missing screen

Just loaded a show onto a jr. via a USB stick that had been on a Congo and now only one screen is active although we were using both screens on the main board!! All tabs open on the left hand screen, on the right you just get the border with a green fill.

Any suggestions,

Also... when ARE we going to get inhibits on the masters????

Be kind, over 50 and new user!!


  • My first guess is that you should start with checking the monitor's connections, and if it works fine you had a loose cable, no big deal. If that fails to work, continue swap which screen is where, check it in a computer or other VGA Out enabled device. If it works in any of the scenarios where it's in a different signal source, then it's likely a software problem, and probably should be be handled with a phone call to ETC.
  • My first guess is that you should start with checking the monitor's connections, and if it works fine you had a loose cable, no big deal. If that fails to work, continue swap which screen is where, check it in a computer or other VGA Out enabled device. If it works in any of the scenarios where it's in a different signal source, then it's likely a software problem, and probably should be be handled with a phone call to ETC.
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