6.1 - issues remaining - wish list

Hello folks,

first, 6.1 is WOW!!! We love it, especially new functions, the huge amount of issues corrected, and speed increase. you did a great job !

After a week of teaching how to work with Congo to a colleague, I have a few questions/comments :

Wish list :

- Delete Wizard : add a "delete Channel Database" line (delete all and/or partial)

- User Manual : add a document with a list of all browser lines

- User Manual : List of all Wizards in Congo

- Seq loaded on master playback (solo or dual Fader Mode) : option needed for crossfade both ways (same as main playback)


Issues :

- Chaser loaded on a playback master and linked to a seq step : goal is to make the master fade in 100% with crossfade time. In time of master was set to 100%, xfade was 5s, but master faded in in 0s.

- recorded a chaser effect on an All Palette (Chaser+rate). when palette was recalled, tap function on wheel button had no effect. we had to turn the wheel just a bit and then could use the button to use tap tempo.

- when a preset is recorded on Blind field, P-text is not recorded on Preset List.


That's it for now... Have a great summer !



  • Hi Stephan -

    Thanks for the comments!

    We'll look into the issues you raise. And the wish list sounds good as well - regarding crossfade both ways, dual fader mode sequences should behave exactly the same as the main playback in this regard. If you set the main to crossfade both ways, then the AB sequences on the masters should do the same.

    Thanks much -

