IPIX BB4 template

Hi all,

I carnt seem to find a template for the IPIX BB4 LED wash light. http://www.i-pix.uk.com/bb4/BB4-applications.htm

I can make my own but Im just wondering if Im missing something.



  • No, it isn't in the library at the moment.

    It's a multi-cell fixture, so I would suggest that you don't use Modes 7 or 8 as there isn't a clear way to patch the 'master' intensity/strobe while keeping all the Effects available.

    The best way to handle multi-cell is usually to patch each cell as its own channel, as then you can do all the Effects on them.

    In this case, the easiest way is to use it in Mode 5 and patch it as four of the "Generic > RGB" fixtures.

  • No, it isn't in the library at the moment.

    It's a multi-cell fixture, so I would suggest that you don't use Modes 7 or 8 as there isn't a clear way to patch the 'master' intensity/strobe while keeping all the Effects available.

    The best way to handle multi-cell is usually to patch each cell as its own channel, as then you can do all the Effects on them.

    In this case, the easiest way is to use it in Mode 5 and patch it as four of the "Generic > RGB" fixtures.

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