congo jr problems

Hi everyone,

I am the one with bad directors,but this time it's not their fault.

i've seen that the versions before 6.01 had several problems, meaning that they often freezed during programming.

It seemed solved with 6.01, at least i thought.

I had very little problems, but tonight congo jr. freezed during the show, showing me on the A crossfade a preset and on live the values of the succeding preset, and not allowing me to go up with channels after selecting them and turning the wheel up to save my ass.

Also i found problems with Martin movig heads. There was a problem with the lamp on command for sure, then many others, but we had old heads, so we thought that apart from the lamp on command the old moving heads werew the problem. A few days ago another show came with another cotroller and no problem showed with any head.

Did any of you had these problems like these? 

No intention to accuse or to be "bad" - i'm not english mothertongue, i just don't mean to be aggressive- but i just have to know what kind of problems congo.jr can have and consequentially what can i and what can't i do with this controller.

Thank you for your attention.

  • Hi alabamaman,

    I am sorry to see you are having issues with your Congo Jr. console.  A couple of quick questions:

    Are you running version 6.0.1 or version 6.1.0? There have been known issues with version 6.0.1 related to crashing and hanging that were resolved in later versions.

    Could you send us a copy of the show files and logs to (or attach them to this forum post) so we could take a look and see what might have caused the issue you experienced?
