Changing RFR Channel and Network ID setitngs.

We are trying to change the RF channel and Network ID settings for the RFR system we have in one of our studios to see if it is being affected by RF interference from an external source. The handheld unit 'talks' ok to the Congo Senior Desk, but the handheld is very slow to receive information back from the Congo Senior.

Currently the combination is set to RF Channel 10, NetworkID 3. We want to try RF Channel 12, Network ID3 since the scanning software on the handheld unit is indicating this frequency is not in use elsewhere within the studio.

We can change these two parameters on the handheld unit ok. When we open the screen on the Congo Senior's Setting page we can see the current RF channel and NetworkID settings. When we change them on this screen to Channel 12 Network ID3 the values appear to change.

However in practice nothing changes and the settings for the RF Transceiver remain as they were. We have tried changing the settings on the Congo Senior's settings page, switched the RF transceiver off and on, Shut down and back up the Congo senior it is always the same - nothing has changed at all in the RF transceiver unit - it is still on RF Channel 10, User ID3 although the Congo Senior Settings page is indicating that they have changed to RF Channel 12, NetworkID3. (?).

The Handheld RFR unit is running Software 2.08, the Congo Senior is running Software 5.01. The units are connected together by an Ethernet switch - not usb.

  • the base settings page on congo is for when the base is connected via usb. when connected via ethernet u need to use GCE (free download from our website and can install it directly to your console. ) to configure base station. usb and ethernet settings in the base are two independent settings location in the base. 


    i recommend updating to congo v6.1.0 which fixes many bugs and adds many features. 


    what theater / city is this? 

  • the base settings page on congo is for when the base is connected via usb. when connected via ethernet u need to use GCE (free download from our website and can install it directly to your console. ) to configure base station. usb and ethernet settings in the base are two independent settings location in the base. 


    i recommend updating to congo v6.1.0 which fixes many bugs and adds many features. 


    what theater / city is this? 

  • Many thanks for your quick reply. Can we take the Transceiver unit off the wall of the studio, connect it to the Congo Senior with a USB lead and then use the 'Settings' Page on the Senior to change the Channel/Network settings - then remount the transceiver back on the studio wall?  

    Or do we have to use the GCE software package?

    I presume the 'base station' is what I am referring to as the 'transceiver'? 

    We are at ITV Studios in Central London, UK. Thanks again for your help so far.

  • configurations made via usb can be used only when connected via usb.,


    base is what u are calling transiever 


    so u must configure with GCE when using via ethernet. 


    congo v6.1.0 should help the slowness on the remote.

  • Ok, Thanks for your help.

    We have three other studios using the same set up and software versions - no speed problems there. Hence, our thoughts about local RF interference maybe.

    In essence, the slowness is - when you key in a lighting channel number on the handheld, for example (say 123), the display changes very s...l...o...w..l ..y  to 1......2.....3. But in actual fact you have pretty much instant control of lighting channel 123. If you change the lighting channel level using the rotary thumbwheel the actual dimmer channel responds almost instantly - but the channel level display on the handheld updates very, very s..l..o...w..l..y  (!).

    So it would seem to us, when the handheld is 'talking' to the Senior it is quick. But when the Senior talks to the handheld it is slow. (We presume the Senior updates some if not all of the dynamic information on the handheld to reflect  actual changes the Senior has completed.) We have tried another handheld in the studio and it is the same. We have tried the suspect handheld in another studio and it works fine.

    I will let you know how we get on.

  • GCE is probably already installed on the Congo console itself - Exit to System Settings, look in the Network tab.

    If it's not there, you can install it using the GCE/Net3 Services installer here.

    You may need to update the RFR Base Station (latest is currently 2.04) - that's done separately from the handset, so it's possible it got missed out.

    [edited by: Richard at 5:28 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Aug 8 2011]