What's this warning icon? (v6.10)

Hi all,

Recently upgraded to 6.10, haven't actually run a performance with it yet. Booted up today and found an unfamiliar icon at the top of the monitors: warning yellow triangle with an exclamation point and a number 4 next to it: https://picasaweb.google.com/scheer.anne/August132011#5640327663997892242.

Upon rebooting, it was gone--I can't find mention of it in the 6.10 release notes, and nothing obvious searching HELP for "6.1."

Show in two hours, would love to know what 4 things are wrong...


  • If I'm not mistaken, this icon is for Dimmer feedback. Do you have Sensor or Dimstat on the network sending back errors to the console?


  • Yes, that's the "Dimmer/Device Feedback" error icon.

    It means that there are four active dimmer errors - these could be coming from Sensor+ dimmers directly over ACN, or from Sensor+ or IES dimmers via DimSTAT.

    Look in Browser > Patching > Settings and Tools > Dimmer Feedback Log for the log of messages since the console was last started.

    - If errors are channel-specific, then you'll also see the same warning triangle in the corner of the channel icon.

    (This feature has actually been there for a quite a while, hence it not being mentioned in the v6.1 notes.)
