Congo Jr. as Client

I want to use my Congo Jr. as a Client (not a backup) for my full size Congo.  It shows that you can do this in the manual (figure on p. 181, v6 manual), but it doesn't say how.  The client section only refers to laptops and RVI's.  Do you use a client dongle in the Jr.?

  • Connect both consoles to the same network with different IP addresses, then select Start Server from the Welcome Screen of your full-size. Somewhere in System Settings (Network, maybe?), there's a way to tell each console how to behave. The default is that it's based on startup order. If you start the Jr. first, the Jr. will be the server, and same for the full-size; whichever console is started second will only have the options to start as a backup or as a client. Otherwise, you can set each console to always act as a server or as a client or backup if you know you always want the same console being the server each time.

    Provided you've selected the option that the first console online is the server, once your Jr. sees that the full-size is acting as a server, the Jr.'s Welcome Screen loses the option to start as a server and instead shows you the options to Start Client or Start Backup.

    For example, here's our setup: Full-size (aka "Brutus") & Jr. (aka "Amelia")

    There's only one Net3 port in the control booth, so both consoles plug into a $15 ethernet switch, then a third cable from the switch goes to the Net3 jack. We then have a wireless router attached to the Net3 jack on the FOH Catwalk so that I can use the iRFR app on my iPhone anywhere in the theatre to connect to either console, regardless of which one is online as the server.

    Each console is basically a computer, with a dongle mounted to a circuit board inside of it, so you do not have to worry about getting another dongle for this. The consoles already have them internally.

    If, however, you wanted to use a laptop on the network, then you would need to connect it to the Net3 network and have a Congo dongle connected to the laptop if you wanted to run the laptop in Client mode.

    Give a holler if you have any problems getting this configured,


  • Thanks for the reply.  I've used Client on a laptop many times before, but never another console.  I had the network settings already, but wasn't getting the option of Client in the start up screen.  Turns out, by checking the Wiki page, I also needed all of the other settings to be the same. (ie, ACN, ArtNet, Channel Downgrade, etc.)  Once I had those settings in, the Client option came up and it worked great. 


  • The key setting is "Logical Network"

    Congo uses the Logical Network setting to define the 'groups' of consoles that will work together.

    - So all consoles in Logical Network 0 can see each and connect to each other, but can't see any consoles set to Logical Network 1.
