programming lightning

Hey all

I've been reading the forum for a while now but I've just joined because I need some help!

I'm a new user of about 2 months now and I think I'm starting to understand most of the underlying logic.  This week is the first time that I have actually tried programming a show so the learning curve has become much steeper.

I am working on A Midsummer Night's Dream and we need to have a couple instances of lightning.  I'd  like to use an existing system of conventional lights, flashing a couple times to recreate the flash.  What would be the best way to accomplish this?  I'm not very familiar with the master playbacks, but would it be possible to make another sequence of presets, all with quick follow/fade times, and put that sequence in a master.  Then could I activate that somehow from a preset in our main sequence?

I'm not sure if I'm even close with this, please excuse my ignorance.  Help? 




Thomas White

Assistant Lighting Designer 

University of Northern Iowa 

  • Hi Thomas

     The best way to make the flash that you want is with a Chase sequence. You can use the wizard to make 1 or you can create 1 normally with some presets with the channels that you want to use. After create the chase you can put it on a master to flash whenever you want or on the main sequence with a link.

    It's an easy thing to do cause each step of the chase is a preset that you can mmodify everything since intensity to times.

    I hope that help you


    Pedro Alves


    P.S.: When is you premiere? Cause in 2 or 3 weeks from now I'll be doing also A Midsummer Night's Dream

  • Hi Thomas

     The best way to make the flash that you want is with a Chase sequence. You can use the wizard to make 1 or you can create 1 normally with some presets with the channels that you want to use. After create the chase you can put it on a master to flash whenever you want or on the main sequence with a link.

    It's an easy thing to do cause each step of the chase is a preset that you can mmodify everything since intensity to times.

    I hope that help you


    Pedro Alves


    P.S.: When is you premiere? Cause in 2 or 3 weeks from now I'll be doing also A Midsummer Night's Dream

  • Hey Pedro

    Thanks for your help.   We open tonight!

    We've successfully programmed the show, lightning and all.  We actually got one of my friends from University of Iowa to come up and show us exactly how to do it and help us with our moving lights.  We did end up making a sequence in a master and linking to it in the main playback. 

    Thanks again. 
