RGB Dynamic effects


This is probably something very simple.... I am doing a bit of pre programming for a fothcomming show. I have patched 20 generic rgb fixtures and have made a simple channel layout reflecting their positions in the studio. I have made one effect playback using the 'Flames' dynamic template and applied it to the rgb group. My question is should I be able to see the effect running i.e colours changing on my channel layout or have I made a mistake somewhere? 


Many thanks


  • You've not made a mistake. The 'result' of Dynamic Effect Playbacks is not shown in Live.

    A Dynamic Effect Playback moves the channel attribute(s) relative to the 'centre point', so we made a decision to show that centre point in Live instead of the result.

    A "D" on the channel icon then shows that it's running a Dynamic Effect, as opposed to an "E" for other types of Effect.

    It's more intuitive with Pan/Tilt effect templates like Circle - you are usually more interested in seeing what the centre of the circle is than the current position around the circle - eg "Circle around Marilyn Monroe" is more useful than seeing the continuously-changing absolute Pan/Tilt values.

  • You've not made a mistake. The 'result' of Dynamic Effect Playbacks is not shown in Live.

    A Dynamic Effect Playback moves the channel attribute(s) relative to the 'centre point', so we made a decision to show that centre point in Live instead of the result.

    A "D" on the channel icon then shows that it's running a Dynamic Effect, as opposed to an "E" for other types of Effect.

    It's more intuitive with Pan/Tilt effect templates like Circle - you are usually more interested in seeing what the centre of the circle is than the current position around the circle - eg "Circle around Marilyn Monroe" is more useful than seeing the continuously-changing absolute Pan/Tilt values.
