Congo offline Network Services

I am running Congo offline on my home PC, connecting to a laptop running WYG.

The offline version (6.1) on my home PC does not allow me to tick n the Network Services box.

When I run the setup the other way around the offline version (6.1) on my laptop allows me to select Network Services and all is well.

Any idea?


  • Hi Orri,

    What does "run the setup the other way around" mean? Are you using the same machine but in some other way?

  • Network Services are not installed by the Congo installer as the console doesn't need them to operate.

    They are part of "ETC GCE Net3 Services".

    One of your computers has GCE installed, the other doesn't. If you need Network Services, install GCE.

    I'm also confused as to why you would want Network Services in an offline system - The DHCP Address Server would usually be provided by a household router or proper network, Client Time services are part of a 'full' Windows XP or Windows 7 installation and the Update Service is only needed if you're updating firmware in a Net3 device.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:14 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Oct 4 2011]
  • WYSIWYG on home PC, Congo offline on laptop works fine.

    WYSIWYG on laptop, Congo offline on home PC doesn´t work.



  • I am just trying to make the offline version of Congo work on my home PC with my laptop running WYSIWYG but at the moment when I use my laptop to run Congo offline and the home PC running WYSIWYG all is fine.

    I noticed that I the Congo offline on my laptop started to comunicate with my home PC when i selected Network Services under the Network tab in System setttings but I can´t select the same setting when I run Congo offline on my home PC.

    I will try to install ETC GCE NEt3 Services on my home PC and see if that sorts the problem (networking is not my area, I just need the connection to work).


  • I think that "Network Services" is probably a red herring here.

    What operating system are the two computers running?

    The computers need compatible IP settings, either both set to a "Static" IP address (eg and, or both set to an "Automatic" IP address.

    The options in System Settings that are needed in Congo Offline for it to control a visualiser are:

    • Protocols tab:
      • Enable Output in Offline Mode - Ticked
      • Enable the specific protocol supported by the visualiser.
        • I believe that Wysiwyg only supports ETCNet2, though I could be wrong.
        • Capture Polar currently needs sACN "Draft" ticked.
    • Universe Map tab:
      • Ensure that Universe Map 9 is correct (usually 1:1, which is the default)
    • Network tab:
      • IP Settings: Preferred IP Address - Set to the correct network card.

    Wysiwyg will also need to be configured to use the same protocol that's enabled in Congo Offline, and possibly select the right network card. You'll need to talk to your Wysiwyg dealer or Cast for that.

  • Hi everyone.

    I've got 2 questions about the Congo offline and WYG.

    - I've got a wireless network here at home and I can't connect the Congo offline and Wyg in any direction (Laptop-Desktop or Desktop-Laptop) can someone tell me what it's wrong? I can change, see, work with files in either computer in any direction but can't work with Congo and WYG.


    - Is it possible to work on the same computer with Congo offline and WYG?? what I've got to do to work like that?? I've got 2 monitors on my desktop and I think it's more easy for me to work with just 1 computer.


    Thanks in advance


    Pedro Alves

  • 1) That's either a WYG setting, or your WiFi or firewall might be filtering the UDP multicast packets used for communication.

    Try sACN Viewer and the sACN protocol on Congo - if that works, it's not the WiFi so check your per-application firewall settings and WYG.

    2) Yes, you can. You will probably need to have a network existing (eg home internet) so the applications can 'bounce' the data to each other off the network.

    If you don't have a network then you can install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter driver for the same effect.
