Silly question about Congo Backup

Hello to everyone.

Our Congo now began to give some headache to my collegue during a show because of the GO key. Some times when he press the GO the console doesn't do the crossfade, or it pass 2 Sequence step instead of 1, or the green leds beside the GO key doesn't light up but it do the crossfade but it can't be paused or hold back  and some others stranges things that happen during the show but he doesn't remember right now. I know that isn't normal all this happen but this console have also one of the Direct Select Display off so maybe it's because that display that this strange things happen.

So we decided to put a Congo JR as Backup just next the Congo, all of our Congo consoles have the last V6.1 version.

 So our question is why if we press the GO key in the Backup console(Congo JR)  the crossfade began to do but on the Server console (CONGO) the crossfade doesn't happen neither the light change on the stage. I know that the backup is, for when the Server crash or shut down, began to work as server but we need to use also this GO backup just to if during the show the GO server starts to do strange things we use the other console without doing the Force Server on the Backup console cause it take some time to do that and on this show sometimes we doesn't have time  to scratch ourselves.

And another thing that we seen is if we select any channel on the Server console and give it some level on the Backup console we doesn't see anything to happen and if we Force Server on the  Backup that channel we select on the other console it goes to 0%. It's normal? the Backup it's only for the Main playback??

Thanks in advance

Pedro Alves

  • In Congo, the Backup has a copy of your showfile and all playback actions made on the Server are synced to the backup. This is known as a "Synchronised Backup" system.

    So in order for this to work, you have to do two things:

    1. Send a copy of the play to the Backup.
    2. Synchronise the Server and Backup.

    You can do this manually in Browser > General > Network

    1. Server Commands > Send Play
    2. Server Commands > Backup Sync

    You can also tell the console to automatically do both these actions when you load or save a play by ticking the "Auto-transfer play to backup" option in System Settings > Backup tab.
    - This will need to be ticked in both consoles.

    The background colour changes depending on whether the backup is "Waiting" or "In Sync".
