Converting Congo files for a Leap Frog

I have a showfile which was plotted on a Congo and I need to open it on a Zero 88 Leap Frog 48 desk.  I'm wondering whether there's a simple way of converting the file or whether I'll need to have to start all over again and replot on the Leap Frog.  Anyone have any idea?  Later in the tour I'll also need to convert the Congo file for use on an Ion desk.  Is that possible too?

Many thanks for any advice


  • howdy Louise, congo uses ascii format - standard light show file format. as long as you aren't using movers or effects, ascii format will work. most console manufacturers can import ascii format. i think zero88 hasnt implemented this feature though: maybe contact zero88 and see if they can import ascii format yet. ion consoles can import shows from congo. just post back if u need help.