Congo Tea Break Tutorial series - now available!

The initial release of the Tea Break Tutorial series for Congo is now available on the ETC website:

We hope to post more tutorials in the new year. Let us know what you think, or if you spot any tpyos!


  • Luke,

    I like the scaled-down look of these tutorials very much: sometimes I teach 'entry-level' Congo to people with differing backgrounds. it can be overwhelming to distill the manual into usable chunks, so these bite-sized tutorials look super approachable.

    I'll let you know if I get any useful feedback!


  • Luke,

    I like the scaled-down look of these tutorials very much: sometimes I teach 'entry-level' Congo to people with differing backgrounds. it can be overwhelming to distill the manual into usable chunks, so these bite-sized tutorials look super approachable.

    I'll let you know if I get any useful feedback!

