Column Funktion Problem seid V6.1.1

Seid V 6.1.1 funktioniert die Column Funktion nicht mehr richtig in der Output Liste.

Ich lade die Vorstellung in der ich manche Kreise mit,, Full at 1 " habe .

Ich gehe bei Gastspielen immer zuerst auf Kreis 1 , Kurve Column und dann auf keine Kurve, sodass Kreis 1 bis 512 keine Kurve haben. Ich mache dass, weil ich die Vorstellungen nicht patche, sondern die Cue`s neu aufbaue und die  Kreise vom Haus nehme, dementsprechend haben andere Kreise die gewünschte Kurve. 

Also es ist nicht mehr Möglich Kreis 1 bis 512 durch die Column Funktion vertikal zu bearbeiten .




Theater an der Ruhr 

  • Hallo Thorsten,

    I just tried the COLUMN function in the Output List with 6.1.1 and it seems to work as before. Just to make sure we are doing the same thing:

    I open the Output List with 1 MODIFY & OUTPUT. I move to the Curve column and press COLUMN. All cells in the column gets selected and I can change curve for them all at once. 

    I also tried switching to German language in case this would make any difference. But that seems to work as well.

    Are you doing something else to see the problem? Is this related to a specific show file?

  • I cant speak german but figured it was about changing curves so went to have a look.

    Messed about and found if i changed one output to 'No Curve' then selected that same one and the several underneath - hit modify and selected No curve again then nothing changed. If i selected anything that the outputs had not been in before they would all change to the new selection ie  linear square law

    not really a problem as you just select the ones underneath instead and change them but it is a 'Thing'


    off to learn german now ....

  • I cant speak german but figured it was about changing curves so went to have a look.

    Messed about and found if i changed one output to 'No Curve' then selected that same one and the several underneath - hit modify and selected No curve again then nothing changed. If i selected anything that the outputs had not been in before they would all change to the new selection ie  linear square law

    not really a problem as you just select the ones underneath instead and change them but it is a 'Thing'


    off to learn german now ....
