balance mode

Was having a play about with the latest 6.1.1 using balance mode.( in RPN mode and none of the at mode options were checked in system settings)

Selected 2 groups and was just messing about changing levels.  Basically i found that using a number followed by a full stop (period) " . "  then @level selected a group and put it in at full

If i select another number thats a group ie 101 > full stop > @level it puts group 101 at a Mark level

If in balance mode with two groups highlighted typing 101 > . > @level changes only group 101 to a Mark level but has all the channels of both groups highlighted still

Various things happen anyhow but wondered if the full stop thing was intended


[edited by: Andy F at 7:18 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Nov 16 2011]
  • Hi Andy -

    Are you using At Mode? In At Mode, the full stop indicates you have finished your channel selection and is intended for when  you are doing moving light things, or not setting intensity directly at that moment... For example:

    1 THRU 10 @LEVEL 50 should set those channels to 50. If you wanted to apply a color palette, though, you would do 1 THRU 10 [.] to select channels 1 throu 10, then you could press a direct select or master key or whatever to apply that palette.

    The @ LEVEL behavior you are describing does sound strange, as I would expect the user "step" level to be applied (usually 70 percent) but it appears something else is happening. Does it behave this way when you are not in Balance mode?

    Thanks -


  • All in RPN Sarah, and attached show file so you can try it too

    Had just done a small show on congo Jr - had trouble loading 6.1.1 on junior so plotted on the previous version 6.1.0 something. Was just using the file to see it on the offline version of 6.1.1 and started playing so nothing was show critical. Remembered i wanted to try out something on balance mode and  accidently pressed the full stop which reminded me of a dark distant past 'at mode thing ' you described above.

    Spirit of adventure found the thing that i posted about !

    Group 71 is fresnels and group 101 is pars with scrollers

    in LIVE tab on non zero channels: 71 group , 101 group & + = both groups highlighted ... then

    71. (full stop after 71) then @level takes group 71 to full and both groups are highlighted with purple background

    hit @level again and both groups go to 70 still highlighted and purple - repeated @levels presses, step through 70, F, nothing as expected

    101. (full stop after 101) brings up an 'M' mark level on group 101. press 'level again and it cycles through 70,F, and nothing etcbut after the M it cycles both groups to 70 F and nothing then 70 etc etc

    I can repeat this in Balance mode too.  Its like the full stop is acting like a group key almost


    Hope its helpful



    [edited by: Andy F at 4:30 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Nov 18 2011]
  • Hi Andy,

    I also originally thought that you were referring to the special full stop command in At mode. 

    If you are running in RPN, we do have an old compatability thing from earlier consoles (that I almost forgot about) that uses the full stop to emulate a group key, just like you discovered. It has some limited group functionality from the past before there was a dedicated GROUP button. You could just ignore this function. We might even consider removing the old compatability functionality.  

  • Hi Andy,

    I also originally thought that you were referring to the special full stop command in At mode. 

    If you are running in RPN, we do have an old compatability thing from earlier consoles (that I almost forgot about) that uses the full stop to emulate a group key, just like you discovered. It has some limited group functionality from the past before there was a dedicated GROUP button. You could just ignore this function. We might even consider removing the old compatability functionality.  
