Refresh time

Changes made in blind, to a preset that is live on the main playback.  What are the options for a 'Refresh' of the preset in a time you can set for that one refresh operation?


  • Hi Andy -

    Two ideas come to mind, though I'm sure there may be more...

    1) Use GOTO, not Refresh. This would replay the current preset in it's normal recorded (or Default Go) time.

    2) Load the preset into the blind field (@ PRESET & BLIND) then use BLIND & Level Wheel to "sneak" the new contents into live manually (as fast/slow as you move the wheel). Then press REFRESH, or don't, as the changes should now be on stage.

    I guess the question is "in what time do you want to refresh the look?"

    Regardless, I've added it to the list to allow a number value before the Refresh command so that you can enter a time. :-) This will come in a future version, but I'm not sure exactly when.


