content effect crossfade

Simple 2 step content effect in break mode using groups

background state heads straight down in red from focus and colour palettes  at full

step one flick to o/w move up and out

step two, flick to red go to background state etc etc

Recorded the effect into a preset and it runs fine. Go to the next cue which is all those same heads in straight down in red from palettes again.

esentially that next cue is fading down the effect and the heads were expected to be static down in red.

hitting GO faded the effect down but left whichever head happened to be left mid effect as it were when the cue completed often in o/w and somewhere on the way out or back.

If i hit seq+ it would snap them all to their static position as expected. Really dont remember content effects doing this in cues before. Have i forgotten something?


[edited by: Andy F at 8:29 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Nov 20 2011]
  • Hi Andy -

    if you are fading out a running effect and repositioning fixtures from that effect in the same preset, then you have to delay the repositioning attributes to be triggered once the effect has stopped running (has faded out) It's always been this way, as the effect is "running" with intensity above zero (meaning it runs until it fades to 1 percent). So, for example, if you fade out a color chasing effect in 3 seconds and want to change the colors (or return to a base color, it really is the same thing), put a 3 second delay on color in that preset. At that point the colors can snap or fade as you like.


    Make sense?


