Limitations on number of universes from Congo to Wyg?


I'm patcing a theatre in Wysiwyg, and I can't get all the universes to work...

The Congo has 3000 ch and 6000 outputs, but I only get the first 6 universes to work.

In the properties-window in device manager I can see all 12 universes, but only 1-6 says 512ch in the right column.

How does the Congo count channels / outputs? I thought I might have run out of channels, but then I supose they would have spread out a little more on the universes in the Wyg?

It looks like there is a limit on 6 universes either on the Congo output or the Wyg input...

 The setup is:

Congo v 4.3.2    - 3000ch / 6000 outp. (IPX output)

Wysiwyg perform  R20

1900 dimmers U1-4

24 Mac 2000 Wash U5

20 Mac 2000 Spot U6

50 ADB Warp - motorized U7-9

287 scrollers (on single ch) U10



Nils Haagenrud



