Congo networking general information.


 I have 2 questions if I may.

 Is there software available to enable the Congo remote focus unit to connect to a hub rather than a usb port on the back of the console?

 Do ETC publish any release notes or information about how to connect together a Congo Console and Junior via a hub and set  them up in a main/backup configuration etc.

 We have the thick user manual for the console but there is no information on setting the desk(s) up in a networking scenario so I was wondering (hoping!) that their might be some downloadable info.

[edited by: michaell at 12:33 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Nov 02 2007]
  • Hi there -

    The Congo v4.3.0 User Manual covers the networking functions of the console/system starting on page 424, including all the backup functions. If this is not the version you currently have, you can download it here.

    You should be able to connect the cRRFU to a hub so long as that hub is connected directly to the console.

    Thanks -


  • Just to clarify, the cRRFU and RFR can be connected to a USB hub, but it must be a powered hub as it draws too much current for the mini hubs.

    [edited by: Richard at 1:49 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Nov 02 2007]
  • Thank you for the information regarding networking the desks together - we do not have this latest manual so I will peruse it in due course (We have currently updated the desk software to V4.3.2)

    Richard, I think we met last week when you visited us when there was a 'problem' with our console at TLS? - with regards to the remote focus unit, we would like to connect and operate the unit via an ethernet hub (not a USB hub). Is this configuration possible?

    [edited by: michaell at 1:22 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Nov 03 2007] [edited by: michaell at 1:19 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Nov 03 2007]
  • Ah, in that case the answer is more complex:

    The cRRFU (small handset with only buttons) is a USB only device (a 6-pin XLR version is also available, but is only compatible with full-size Congo).

    The RFR (larger handset with buttons, encoders and a display) is intended to be a USB or Ethernet device.
    However, the firmware only supports the USB connection at present - we will be issuing a firmware upgrade to enable the ethernet port, although I don't have a timescale for that yet.

    Finally, the RFR won 't plug directly into an ethernet hub as it requires Power Over Ethernet (PoE) - you'll need either a mid-range switch with PoE built-in, or a standard switch with a separate power injector.

    Also, I'd always recommend an ethernet switch over a hub - the cost differential is zero, and the functionality and flexibility is greatly improved.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:25 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Nov 03 2007] cRRFU, RFR
  • Thank you for your speedy response. Some 'things' to think about. Regards, Michael.
  • Is the RFR available in the US?  If not is there a release date planned?

    We've been waiting for this to come out since we got our Congo several years ago.


  • Hi Matt -

    We released the RFR a few weeks ago (may have been longer ago than that) and then promptly found that it wasn't behaving as nicely as it's other siblings (the RRFU and cRRFU) using the same radio. So, we pulled it and have been in the process of redesigning it to use a better radio. We expect to be testing this newer version very soon and hope to be shipping again in a couple of months. Stay tuned...

    Thanks -

