discrepancy when editing Preset

Offline on demo tour

Should it still be the case that there can be different channels and/or levels in a Preset when its edited in the sequence list compared to that same preset loaded to a master?

An update of the preset  in certain situations seems to bring everything back together, but it does seem potentially dangerous - I can make chages in a few ways to that preset again which keep a difference between the same preset number.

Im not totally sure whats going on yet and hoping this is ringing bells for someone


  • This is so that you don't accidentally edit a 'live' Preset in the blind editors like Preset and Sequence list.

    If you edit a Preset 'somewhere else', the Master LCD will show the 'pending' look by inverting, and will update to the new content when taken down to zero.

    To edit a Preset 'Live' on a Master, then you use the Master Editor - eg [Modify] & [Master_Key]

    This master Editor also allows 'temporary' edits: If you don't hit [Update] before closing the editor, the changes you made are *only* in the Master.

    This 'temporary', or 'unconfirmed' status is shown by the usual purple top bar in the Master Editor, and an asterisk before the Preset number in the Master LCD display.

    As they are temporary, these edits are lost when the Master Page is changed or the show reloaded - the 'asterisk' version is not saved anywhere - so it allows you to try something out, or continue with many small changes spread over time until you decide it's right and [Update].

    It's pretty common in television for small changes to be needed to Masters that shouldn't be recorded, eg the change is only because someone has a slightly, shall we say 'reflective', hairstyle rather like mine...
