Wishes, Questions and Reports from vienna



1. We would like to have the possibility to select a range of channels,where we only want to access those that are having a level in Live.

For example: in Live are these channels   7/50, 11/50,12/50,15/100,19/50, 61/30,62/30

Now we would like to access the range from channels 7 to 19  and change them relatively.


1.1 ALL  &  MASTERKEY   would select the channels that have a level in LIVE and  a contents in the Master. We would like to have the possibility to extend that key selection, for example:

ALL & MASTERKEY  1   hold   + key and ALL &  MASTERKEY 3, where only the channels from master 1 and 3 with a level in LIVE would be selected.

This would be a example to work around for point 1

If it would be possible, the best version for us would be: Select  a group,a range of channels or a preset . Than  C/ALT §  ALL  and the selection gets reduced to only the channels with a level in LIVE.



2. We work with the Congo without saving the Masters (Exclude Master from record is on). We would like to be able to record channels from a master   which fader is on for example 60%.

We tried it with the capture function, but as soon as we captured the channels and used the wheel the value  jumped immediately  to zero or to the level it has in LIVE.  (also see Reports Point 6)



We want to use the function for a specific group.

Explanation:  I change the values of  some channels in a group, than I have to change the values of all other channels of this group.

Possible solution: select some channels of a group   #(number of the group)  INV-GROUP or   INV-GROUP & MASTERKEY   (master key for this group)




1. We would like to have the possibility to access a row of presets in the sequence list and copy/cut them and use a new starting number.

Example:  preset  101, 102, 103, 103.5, 105 all copy at once. To past  only the first preset number will be defined, preset 101 becomes preset 13, and than the board is defining automatically  the other presets 102 = 14  103 = 15  103.5 = 15.5   105 = 17.


2. Print-Wizard:

2.1 Why can´t we print palettes any more ?  That was possible with the last software.

2.2 We  really would like to have the attributes printed in a different way. For example not under each other, but rather next to each other. That would be very much appreciated.




1. We found out that the move fade function does not work properly.

We saw that as we hit the go for the move fade preset, the channels of the starting preset of the background fade – which go to zero in the ending preset –  cut out. Instead of fading??


Then the following cross fade was only displayed in the main playback, not in the live mode, nor did anything physically change except the channels that were included in the move fade preset.

We found a way to work around this:

In the ending preset of the background fade all channels are selected (# preset)

and the intensity set with the intensity wheel to relative 1%. (1% is nearly not visible on Stage)

In the following preset of the move fade preset it is necessary to create a macro that activates 2 times REFRESH. Then both problems are solved.


2. Macros are not displayed in the main playback in the macro column. They  are only visible in the sequence list. And we could not open the macro list of the macro to see the content or edit it.


3. If the learn alert function was activated and the show is printed, all alert times are defined as wait times in the print out. This is very confusing because it does not show the real programmed times.



4. We use the note function (the little Flag)  we have a lot of text programmed for

our show and it is very useful for us. The problem we had  is, that if we have  a number like 103.5  the little flag is covering the .5  of the cue number  in the A  and B line  of the main playback.

A possibility is to change the color of the flag to “none” and it would be invisible.



5. In the moment it isn´t possible to record captured levels. I guess it was possible in the last software 4.3.1. Im able to capture levels of channels in live, but I can´t update the presets from the main playback with the captured levels. It always takes the levels from live and not the captured ones.


6. For example: When we selected all parked channels over the top of the colume in the channellist (with the mouse) and changed all parked channels to unparked at once the board chrashed.

I know that you can to those things in live, but we gave it a try. And I think the board shouldn´t chrash, it shouldn´t do anything.

So long,

Roman and Phoenix

[edited by: DerPhoenix at 3:58 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Nov 08 2007]
Parents Reply
  • Hi Poenix, hi Sarah,

    is it you working at vienna with a congo, you might remember me working together at salzburg festival (L´Upupa). Nice to remember you! Just a short comment about your problem wich move fades:

    This problem is very old it did already exist an pronto versions. At the moment we´re still working with pronto, and got used to it! But we might change to congo soon.

    I would like to add to your List:

    Seperate up and down times, channel times ar needed on move fades and lock fades. The behavior of move fades is still not correct, as you reported.

    We need to control real 16bit on HTP Intensities for Hagenbach und Grill HMI Shutters! Congo doesnt support correctly.

    reported these main points to anders aleady, without sucess. Maybe Ponix and Roman might join my opinion!

     All the best

    Tobias Loeffler from munic




  • Hi Tobias & Phoenix & Roman -

    As I said in an earlier post, most of your requests are already on our list. Regarding the Move Fade issue - Congo is not a move fade console at its heart. In order to make move fades happen at all, we use the Channel Times function in a different way. This is why it is not possible to have channel times and move fades in the same step. There are other internal limitations as well and because Congo is not a move fade console by design it is very difficult to change this behavior at this point.

    Also, 16-bit intensities will be very difficult to implement due to the underlying structure of Congo.

    Thanks -


  • Hi Sarah,

    I do understand that it might be hard to change in the internal structure but move fades are realy essentional! They got more and more important in combination with video file server recording overlapping light cues that often run as lock or crossfades. Three years before we could handle this limitation but today we run up to 4 pandoras servers in parallet to the light cues, this is hard work and split and channeltimes on move and lockfades are necessary today.

    Same thing to 16 bit resolution on intensities, in "teutonic europe" HMI lighting with strong units an fluorescents are really common, both things should be handled in 16 bit mode. This is a real step to the future. Hagenbach und Grill shutters are really sophisticated and reliable, and 16 bit mode will support them in the best way on long time fades.

    Please help us !

     Tobias Löffler

    light designer and chief electritian of the bavarian dramatic state theater in munic



  • Hi Tobias -

    Believe me - I hear you. However the significance of a "structural change" to software as complex as Congo is similar to deciding that you wanted a basement under a 20-story building after the building has been lived in for about 6 years. Know what I mean? Move Fade is simply not the way Congo was built to work. I will talk with Anders and see if there is any possibility at all to have fade times that are relative to state, but I don't have high hopes that this will be possible.

    The same structural problem exists for 16-bit intensity - it is simply part of the structure that intensity (meaning the parameter level one sees in the LIVE display) is 8-bit HTP. 16-bit parameters can be controlled, but on the device side, not on the intensity side.  


    Thanks for the input -


  • Hi Sarah,

     I read your answers very carefully and I belive that it will be hard work to get the basement under the building; we are not talking about make it hapening next week, it is about all the things which will come up and it would be really sad to have a good working console behind future and present developments.

    The other thing is that even without separate channeltimes movefades are not working proper.

    And it is a little bit confusing, that congo has the possibility to set 16 Bit intensity in HTP16 for a template and then it is not working, for what reason we have then the posibility to choose HTP16??

    As Tobias said, it will be important for fluorscent tubes and it is allready important for HMI Shutters from Hagenbach und Grill.

    Thanks and merry christmas,



  • The 16-bit HTP option in template definitions is there to permit control of devices that use 16-bit Intensities, and it currently operates by copying the coarse byte value into the fine byte value.

    This gives control of the full range of 16-bit values, but at an 8-bit resolution rather than the 16-bit resolution the fixture is capable of.

  • Hi Richard,

    HPT 16 bit could be programmed, but will not be executed.....

    is it the same thing to channel times and split times on move fades?  You could program them, but they will not be executed....

    Sad, I would define these things as BUG.

     ETC shouldn´t keep on building new floors without repairing the basement!

     All the best


  • Hi Tobias,

    I agree that it is unfortunate (and confusing) that you can set HTP16 or LTP8 on Intensities that have no meaning. I have now added restrictions in the Template editor to only allow the modes that actually have a meaning.
