Congo v6.2 ready for beta testing!

Hi all -

I just wanted to let you know that we are extremely close to being ready to beta test v6.2 software for all products in the Congo family - Congo, Congo jr, Congo Kid, Congo Light Server and so on. We've been working mainly on network things like RDM, support of the new Sensor CEM3 processor, and integration of FDX dimmer feedback. We have also addressed some known issues found in previous versions. As always, we like to have real users pound on the software a bit before a release so that we know it's in good shape. So, if you are willing, please let us know if you'd like to take version 6.2 out for a spin!

As always, use of beta software on real shows is done at your own risk. We have not made any changes to the show file format, so taking your show back to 6.1 shouldn't be a problem, however, keeping a "safe" copy in the released version is always a good idea.

If you are interested, please send an email to me (sarah DOT clausen AT etcconnect DOT com) AND Karen Meuth in our test department (karen DOT meuth AT etcconnect DOT com). I will be unavailable starting 12 December, so if you only send your email to me and you send it after that date, you won't get in.

Thanks for your help and interest!

