Dynamic effect issue

Hi there

The other day in the rig i had 4 moving spots i left them in the default position at 50/50 i wanted a circle dynamic effect once plotted and had it started most of the effect was happening stage left.

Any answers why this might be happening???

  • Hi Patch -

    You cannot run a circle effect on moving heads placed at 50/50 - it's physically impossible as the pan stop on the head will get in the way. In this position, the circle will become some form of figure 8 when the head meets the pan stop. To get closer to a true circle, you need to move the fixtures off of 50/50.

    I hope this helps-

    Thanks -


  • Hi Patch -

    You cannot run a circle effect on moving heads placed at 50/50 - it's physically impossible as the pan stop on the head will get in the way. In this position, the circle will become some form of figure 8 when the head meets the pan stop. To get closer to a true circle, you need to move the fixtures off of 50/50.

    I hope this helps-

    Thanks -

