Catalyst with Congo Jr (Request)

Hello all

I am Catalyst software distributor of Japan.
I am controlling catalyst in Congo Jr.
This is a necessary request for controlling catalyst.

I think that a decimal (255step) display is necessary for displaying the ch level in eight bits.
For instance, In/out frame and xy position, etc.
If it is not 255 step display, an accurate input cannot be done.

Moreover, catalyst doesn't correspond to this though Congo is supporting the MSEX  protocol.
But Catalyst, remote by a Browser can be done. ( http : // catalyst server Ip : 8080 )

The file of the catalyst server can be referred to from Congo by permitting the start of Internet Explorer in Congo
What do you think of this idea?
For instance, though it is very convenient when Explorer can be started like an online manual in the window in Congo.

Should I put one computer by Congo? Then, why is an online manual put in Congo?
Why Capture put in the console?

It is because everything is concluded by one console.
I think that simplicity in one console is good.
  • Hello,

    You can press FORMAT & @LEVEL to change the LCD above the wheels from showing 0-100% levels to showing 0-255 (or 0-65535 if 16-bit) levels.

    The Intensity is also output as 8-bit, but you cannot see the 8-bit values. But if you press and hold the "." (point button) and press +% or -% you are adjusting the intensity level by one bit for each press.

    Hope that helps,



  • Hello,

    You can press FORMAT & @LEVEL to change the LCD above the wheels from showing 0-100% levels to showing 0-255 (or 0-65535 if 16-bit) levels.

    The Intensity is also output as 8-bit, but you cannot see the 8-bit values. But if you press and hold the "." (point button) and press +% or -% you are adjusting the intensity level by one bit for each press.

    Hope that helps,


