Congo Universes

Hi All


I am probably been stupid but...

I am trying to patch Robe fixtures to universes 3 and 4 on a congo senior running the latest software.

it only allows me to patch to streams 1 and 2.

How do I patch to universe 4?




  • Hi bAz -

    It's likely that your console can only output two universes of DMX. Congo consoles can be upgraded for up to 12 universes, but that involves purchasing a code from your dealer.

    It's possible to have the patch universes within Congo broadcast on any of the available network universes, though. This is done using the Universe Map in System Settings - you can still patch only to internal universes 1 and 2, but you can broadcast the internal universe 2 on the external universe 4 on the network (over ArtNet, sACN or EDMX for example).

    So, it kind of depends on what you're really trying to do :-) If you need 4 universes worth of patch space, then the console may need to be upgraded. If you are just trying to get onto universes 3 and 4 of your network, you can do that in the universe map.

    I hope this helps -


  • Hi Sarah

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    Yes I am indeed trying to patch to universes 1 and 2 and 3 and 4.

    Basically I want to convert our panto which is currently on a 520 to the congo but the programmer has used all 4 universes.

    I know you can't say but would a couple of extra universes cost £100 or £1000? So I have an idea if it's worth it for us.



  • Hi bAz -

    I'm guessing it will be much closer to the second number than the first, however the best thing to do is to contact an ETC dealer or our office in London at +44 (0)20 8896 1000. :-)

    Thanks much -


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