Congo Universes

Hi All


I am probably been stupid but...

I am trying to patch Robe fixtures to universes 3 and 4 on a congo senior running the latest software.

it only allows me to patch to streams 1 and 2.

How do I patch to universe 4?




  • Hi bAz -

    It's likely that your console can only output two universes of DMX. Congo consoles can be upgraded for up to 12 universes, but that involves purchasing a code from your dealer.

    It's possible to have the patch universes within Congo broadcast on any of the available network universes, though. This is done using the Universe Map in System Settings - you can still patch only to internal universes 1 and 2, but you can broadcast the internal universe 2 on the external universe 4 on the network (over ArtNet, sACN or EDMX for example).

    So, it kind of depends on what you're really trying to do :-) If you need 4 universes worth of patch space, then the console may need to be upgraded. If you are just trying to get onto universes 3 and 4 of your network, you can do that in the universe map.

    I hope this helps -


  • Hi everyone,

    I'll be taking our Congo to a guest performance and I am having some difficulties in getting the Congo to work there.

    Since we normally do not use more than 200 dimmer channels, some scrollers and sometimes moving lights, we have upgraded our console to 4 universes, which worked well in every venue so far.

    Now we will be going to a theatre that obviously has an ETC installation, running ETCNet3 and an in-house EOS system. So I assumed, connecting to their network wouldn't be a problem for us. It turns out: it would!

    Their generic dimmers use 7 universes (portal bridge, SL gallery, SR gallery, every location on a different universe – Don't ask my why, ask the ETC tech who installed this!) They have scrollers on another universe. They have overhead moving lights, every flybar uses a new universe: This adds another 4 universes.

    _ Is ETC asking my theatre to upgrade our Congo to 12 universes, paying a hell of money just for one guest performance?

    _ What if I will be going to another theatre that has decided to put the house scrollers on another universe than the overhead scrollers? – We will end up in 13 universes, and Congo doesn't seem to be able to handle this, even if we pay lots of money!


    I know quite well that EOS can import Congo files.

    _ From my experience I can tell that working with a local operator uses twice as much time as I need if I update all our cues by myself! – Some years ago I chose Congo, because I still think there is no other console on which you can work faster! And we are used to the advantage of speed that Congo offers!

    _ My showfile uses our own channel numbers which do not at all match the local numbers.


    Well, that's my dilemma. Any suggestions how to solve it?



  • Hi Mario, 

    how many dmx outputs will you be using for this touring show?

    One solution would be that you output your dmx into DMX Inputs in a Net3 

    DMX Gateway. These inputs can then be patched throughoutcall of his

    7 (and also 13 universes) via Advanced Input Patch.

    Your first DMX Output 1/1 could be patched to his 6/2. Your 1/2 could be

    patched to his 4/321 , etc. 


    What venue will you be visiting? 

    If you have more questions feel free to contact me later today. 



  • Hi Mario, 

    how many dmx outputs will you be using for this touring show?

    One solution would be that you output your dmx into DMX Inputs in a Net3 

    DMX Gateway. These inputs can then be patched throughoutcall of his

    7 (and also 13 universes) via Advanced Input Patch.

    Your first DMX Output 1/1 could be patched to his 6/2. Your 1/2 could be

    patched to his 4/321 , etc. 


    What venue will you be visiting? 

    If you have more questions feel free to contact me later today. 



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