Issue with backup


We've got a Congo working as server and a Congo Jr work as Backup and they are connected with a crossover cable. Before we use this sytem we perform some tests and we don't notice any problem with the comunication between the 2 consoles. Now I have a colleague who is working on a show that told me this last weekend had a problem during the show because of the connection between consoles. He says that at same time of the show when he need to press the GO key the consoles lost, again, the comunication between them and the sequence step doesn't work until the consoles reconnect. He says that this comunication between the 2 consoles is lost several times during the show but this time is when he need to do the Go for the cue and it lost, not to many time, but time enough for the cue goes late and someone asks to him what happen at that time.

He claims that he already notice this lost of comunication some times but it's a random thing that happen.

Is it a normal thing to happen or it's just a software or hardware problem??  all of our consoles have the lastest version of the Congo software.

Pedro Alves

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