Few observations and requests

Can update level stand on modify (forward)?
Can U1-3 be added on to the channel page (and all others where it fits)?
Add option to group parameters by type when selecting multiple devices in the track list
Add Inhibit on the possability to record or update when a preset is running
When using the Client, is it not possible to bring up dimmer number in the output list?
Can the possability to select whole columns in the track list be added back in.  Its very usefull when changing from one type of device to another in a show but say the shutter values not match (open on one, strobing on the other)
Update level or update attribute does not work when in live attribute view


  • Hi Orri -

    I think I need more info on some of these:

    Can update level stand on modify (forward)? >>>Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking for here. Can you provide some more details?

    Can U1-3 be added on to the channel page (and all others where it fits)? >>>Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking for here. Can you provide some more details?

    Add option to group parameters by type when selecting multiple devices in the track list >>>Do you mean having parameters for separate channels closer together, rather than separated by channel number? You can hide individual columns now using FORMAT & Wheel Key or FCB key - I would use this if I'm trying to edit only Iris across a number of channels, for example. Does that help?

    Add Inhibit on the possability to record or update when a preset is running >>>Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking for here. Can you provide some more details?

    When using the Client, is it not possible to bring up dimmer number in the output list? >>> Yes, this is on our list of things to fix soon.

    Can the possability to select whole columns in the track list be added back in. Its very usefull when changing from one type of device to another in a show but say the shutter values not match (open on one, strobing on the other) >>> This is also on the list of things to fix soon.

    Update level or update attribute does not work when in live attribute view >>> I'll have a look at this one.


    Thanks -


  • Can update level stand on modify (forward)? >>>Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking for here. Can you provide some more details?

    When I press  Update & Attribute the Attribute tracking window opens up and the "Modify" button is highlighed.  So if I am happy for the tracking direction to be Forward only for instance all I have to do is hit "modify".
    When I press Update & Level the Intensity tracking window opens up and the tracking direction is highlighted.  So to commit on the change I have to use the arrow key down or select the modify key with the mouse.  I would like go take that extra step out if possible.

    Can U1-3 be added on to the channel page (and all others where it fits)? >>>Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking for here. Can you provide some more details?

    At the moment the U1-3 keys can be selected from the "Device"  button and the "Effects" button on the LCD on Congo Jr.  What I would like is the option to select the U1-3 keys from more positions like "Channels" and "Times". This is handy if I am using the U1-3 keys but also the "Compare" function on the "Cahnnels" page

    Add option to group parameters by type when selecting multiple devices in the track list >>>Do you mean having parameters for separate channels closer together, rather than separated by channel number? You can hide individual columns now using FORMAT & Wheel Key or FCB key - I would use this if I'm trying to edit only Iris across a number of channels, for example. Does that help?

    FORMAT & Wheel key helps thanks

    Add Inhibit on the possability to record or update when a preset is running >>>Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking for here. Can you provide some more details?

    When  the show is enters previews the lighting desk is usually trickered via QLab (as it is during the normal run).  If I am still adjusting levels on the console itself, I run the risk of pressing Update just when the next preset has been activated and therefore ruining the preset.  What would be great is that when a Preset is running it is not possible to record a new preset or Updating an exising one.

    Same thing applies If I am using the Client to update preset and a board operator is running the show in the booth


  • Can update level stand on modify (forward)? >>>Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking for here. Can you provide some more details?

    When I press  Update & Attribute the Attribute tracking window opens up and the "Modify" button is highlighed.  So if I am happy for the tracking direction to be Forward only for instance all I have to do is hit "modify".
    When I press Update & Level the Intensity tracking window opens up and the tracking direction is highlighted.  So to commit on the change I have to use the arrow key down or select the modify key with the mouse.  I would like go take that extra step out if possible.

    Can U1-3 be added on to the channel page (and all others where it fits)? >>>Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking for here. Can you provide some more details?

    At the moment the U1-3 keys can be selected from the "Device"  button and the "Effects" button on the LCD on Congo Jr.  What I would like is the option to select the U1-3 keys from more positions like "Channels" and "Times". This is handy if I am using the U1-3 keys but also the "Compare" function on the "Cahnnels" page

    Add option to group parameters by type when selecting multiple devices in the track list >>>Do you mean having parameters for separate channels closer together, rather than separated by channel number? You can hide individual columns now using FORMAT & Wheel Key or FCB key - I would use this if I'm trying to edit only Iris across a number of channels, for example. Does that help?

    FORMAT & Wheel key helps thanks

    Add Inhibit on the possability to record or update when a preset is running >>>Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking for here. Can you provide some more details?

    When  the show is enters previews the lighting desk is usually trickered via QLab (as it is during the normal run).  If I am still adjusting levels on the console itself, I run the risk of pressing Update just when the next preset has been activated and therefore ruining the preset.  What would be great is that when a Preset is running it is not possible to record a new preset or Updating an exising one.

    Same thing applies If I am using the Client to update preset and a board operator is running the show in the booth


  • Orri,

    Orri Petursson said:

    At the moment the U1-3 keys can be selected from the "Device"  button and the "Effects" button on the LCD on Congo Jr.  What I would like is the option to select the U1-3 keys from more positions like "Channels" and "Times". This is handy if I am using the U1-3 keys but also the "Compare" function on the "Cahnnels" page

    U1-3 can always be selected directly by their shortcuts [C] & [FOCUS]/[BEAM]/[COLOR].

    Best, Mario

  • Orri Petursson said:

    Add Inhibit on the possability to record or update when a preset is running >>>Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking for here. Can you provide some more details?

    When  the show is enters previews the lighting desk is usually trickered via QLab (as it is during the normal run).  If I am still adjusting levels on the console itself, I run the risk of pressing Update just when the next preset has been activated and therefore ruining the preset.  What would be great is that when a Preset is running it is not possible to record a new preset or Updating an exising one.

    Same thing applies If I am using the Client to update preset and a board operator is running the show in the booth

    I suspect this might be rather annoying - some users work in the A field during a manual crossfade (bringing B up a little)

    If there's a chance that someone or something else might advance the playback while I'm working, I work Blind.

    Either by copying into the [Blind] field - [Live] & [Blind] or # [Preset] & [Blind] - or in the Preset/Sequence List.

    - The Blind tab can be faded into and out of Live using [Blind] & [Wheel]. I found this a useful way of working multi-user.
