Template trouble


We have a couple of Licht Technik Motoryoke Rorh with Rainbow scrollers on them.
There are no template for these so we have made our own template and it works as
it should - except for the fans, which are constantly running full speed and are impossible
to control on these units. All our generics with scrollers are working just fine.

The template looks like this:

Dmx 1 - Pan (LTP16) Default 128, Highlight 0, LowDMX 2, Fine step 4
Dmx 3 - Tilt (LTP16) Default 128, Highlight 0, LowDMX 4, Fine step 4
Dmx 5 - Effect* (LTP8) Default 0, Highlight 0, Invert, Fine step 4
Dmx 6 - Zoom (LTP8) Default 0, Highlight 0, Fine step 4
Dmx 7 - Color (LTP8) Default 0, Highlight 0, Fine step 4
Dmx 8 - Scroller speed (LTP8) Default 0, Highlight 0, Fine step 4
Dmx 9 - Scroller fan (LTP8) Default 0, Highlight 0, Fine step 4, Fade with Int

Have we maybe done something wrong? 

  • According to the manual I found, DMX offsets 5 and 6 are either PAN/TILT Speed and Focus or Pan, Tilt speeds.

    Assuming that's right, I would use "Focus Speed" for DMX offset 5.

    (The parameters with an asterisk (*) at the end of the name are for the Effect Playbacks and shouldn't really be used for anything else.)

    - If there isn't a parameter with a good name, you can always create a new one in "Parameter Definitions".

    Aside from that the template looks fine.

    Rainbow Pro 2 Scrollers can have DMX control enabled/disabled and the DMX address set individually for Color, Motor Speed and Fan Speed, so maybe the Fan is set to always at full (the default), or set to a different DMX address?

    - I always found those surprising as you have to set three individual DMX addresses to get the scroller set up!

    I think it's "Fbn.d" for DMX control of the fan, and F.### for the fan DMX address.

    Then run modes for 'quick setup'... and depending on firmware version you can also invert the fan control and have "sensitive frames" as well, so that might be it!

    Run Mode 7 and Soft Switch 2 OFF should be right.

    If you've checked those already, you can email your showfile to congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com along with how one of these units is all set up and we can check it out.


    The [Output] tab is very useful when checking this kind of thing.
    It allows direct control of DMX addresses (Address [.] Universe [Output] to select an address) and also shows you exactly what the console is sending out.

    [edited by: Richard at 6:05 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Jan 27 2012]
  • According to the manual I found, DMX offsets 5 and 6 are either PAN/TILT Speed and Focus or Pan, Tilt speeds.

    Assuming that's right, I would use "Focus Speed" for DMX offset 5.

    (The parameters with an asterisk (*) at the end of the name are for the Effect Playbacks and shouldn't really be used for anything else.)

    - If there isn't a parameter with a good name, you can always create a new one in "Parameter Definitions".

    Aside from that the template looks fine.

    Rainbow Pro 2 Scrollers can have DMX control enabled/disabled and the DMX address set individually for Color, Motor Speed and Fan Speed, so maybe the Fan is set to always at full (the default), or set to a different DMX address?

    - I always found those surprising as you have to set three individual DMX addresses to get the scroller set up!

    I think it's "Fbn.d" for DMX control of the fan, and F.### for the fan DMX address.

    Then run modes for 'quick setup'... and depending on firmware version you can also invert the fan control and have "sensitive frames" as well, so that might be it!

    Run Mode 7 and Soft Switch 2 OFF should be right.

    If you've checked those already, you can email your showfile to congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com along with how one of these units is all set up and we can check it out.


    The [Output] tab is very useful when checking this kind of thing.
    It allows direct control of DMX addresses (Address [.] Universe [Output] to select an address) and also shows you exactly what the console is sending out.

    [edited by: Richard at 6:05 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Jan 27 2012]