Change flag not set when using master playbacks

Hi all, I am a new Congo user but a long time lighting designer and I have a question that I can't find an answer to in the forum (or in the documentation/help).  I have programmed our Congo JR (with the attached master playback wing and latest software 4.3.3) with a bunch of groups in the master playbacks.  I also programmed a few looks for our moving fixtures directly to the master playbacks (they show at 801, 802, ...).  When I slide the master playback fader up for these, the lights move to the correct focus, color, beam, and the intensity also follows.  I see the result for the intensity in the live view for any master playback I fade up on the playback wing.  Here is my problem - none of them are setting the changed flag (they don't turn purple) for intensity or attributes.  If I record a preset it will only record the intensity values, but no attributes.  I have tried setting the record options for attributes to automatic, active, and popup, but because the change flag isn't set, it doesn't know to record any attributes.  Temporarily I have gotten around this by setting the attributes option to all so it will record all attributes for all devices on each preset.  I would like to be able to use the active or automatic options though.  I know this was working last week, so I am guessing I hit something or set something that caused this.  I have tried creating a new play and got the same results.  Anyone have any ideas?  Sorry ahead of time if this is a simple issue!

  • Activating device parameters from a playback or a master never sets the Changed flag. If it did, it would make playback of parameters more or less impossible since that would trigger recording these parameters into cues.

    Currently, there is no way to make the Congo do this (except by forcing the Changed flag with the Set Changed button). However, we are thinking about a mode where the changed flags would be set when you move the masters (for the users that use the masters to build up looks and not just for playback).

  • Thanks Anders, this is how we build our looks - we don't normally use the playbacks during a play, everything is recorded as presets in the sequence and we just hit go for each change.  Since we use volunteers as board operators during our performances, this is the easiest way.  The lighting designer programs groups and masters to be played back from the playbacks.  Then when the operator starts recording the steps in the show, they just use those playbacks and record them.  For our conventional lights, this isn't a problem since the preset records the intensity even if the changed flag isn't set.  It is just an issue with our moving fixtures.  For now I will continue using the record all attributes option (this is easiest for our operators).  It would be nice the option was available though.

    Hmmm...I would have sworn this was working last week...guess that is what sleep deprivation does to you (marathon install and show schedule).

    Thanks again,


    [edited by: Pacman at 10:39 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Nov 15 2007]
  • Record Attribute Mode "Active" should do what you're after.

    This records all attributes of all fixtures that are currently "On"

  • Yes, but not if they are being set using a master playback.  If I change them manually by moving to focus point using the wheels or recalling a stored palette, then the change flag will set, but if I use a master playback, it does not set a changed flag and therefore the system will not know to record the attributes because it is not aware of any change.

    [edited by: Pacman at 2:08 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Nov 15 2007]
  • Yes, but not if they are being set using a master playback.  If I change them manually by moving to focus point using the wheels or recalling a stored palette, then the change flag will set, but if I use a master playback, it does not set a changed flag and therefore the system will not know to record the attributes because it is not aware of any change.

    [edited by: Pacman at 2:08 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Nov 15 2007]
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