Question about ARFR

Hi everyone.

I just made the download today of the ARFR software to my Android phone (Galaxy ACE) and on the opening menu of the ARFR apllication it appears this message:

"The test version has expired. Press the Update button to buy the full version"

Don't I have 5 days to try the software???

Is it for this that I can't connect to the Wireless Router (Belkin_G_Wireless)??? My phone find the Wireless network of the router but it doesn't connect. Maybe IP adress problem but how can I change that from my phone?? 

Waiting for the 6.2 version

Best regards

Pedro Alves

  • Once it is showing as expired then it will refuse to connect to a console.

    It won't affect connecting to the WiFi network itself, just the console.

    Not sure why it would show as expired so quickly, it should give you some time to try it out.
    However I believe it's linked to your Google Account, so if you've downloaded it on your account before (eg on a different device) then it may have already expired.

  • Hi Pedro,

    Have you been able to get it running?

    When you get the message about the expired test version, is the Connect button still available (= non-dimmed)? If it is, what happens when you press it?

  • Hi Anders.

    Sorry for not saying nothing until now but I'm not trying to work with ARFR this last weeks cause the router wireless that I use went to the sound crew and maybe this week I can try again. I'll send an email to you after I try again the ARFR.

    But I've got another question relative to times on Congo. I've got a show now that as only 7 steps on the main sequence but 3 are at begining of the show and the step number 4 is 1.15h after finish the step 3. The question is why can't I do a wait or an alert time bigger than 59'.59'' ?? I now that it's not normal and it's the first time since 8/10 years that I've got a show like this so this is just for me to aswer to my collegues about this question.


    Pedro Alves

  • Hi Pedro,

    Regarding Congo times: We have to draw the line somewhere. Allowing longer times would require more space in the show files, more space in all the screen fields and displays, additional entry methods etc.

    Therefore, we decided that times up to an hour would be ok in most cases. And if you need longer times, you can always link to sequence steps together, so there is a workaround.
