Sysytem power up issue.

We have had a few problems with our Congo installation recently. We have a Congo console connected to the ethernet hub which in turn connects to an Ethernet to DMX convertor. When the entire installation is first switched on sometimes there is no output from the Ethernet convertor to the dmx dimmers.

We can get around the problem by switching the hub and Ethernet to DMX units first, leave them for a few minutes to fully boot up, and then switch the Congo console on - it would see that these untis have to be fully working before the console is powered up. We have discovered that if the system gets in this non-communicative mode we can 'kick' the system into working by re-starting the Congo application.

If this is the case, is it recommended that the ethernet hub and ethernet to DMX convertor are left powered on all the time (most IT equipment is usually left switched on anyway?)  

[edited by: michaell at 8:34 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Nov 20 2007] [edited by: michaell at 8:34 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Nov 20 2007] [edited by: michaell at 8:33 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Nov 20 2007] [edited by: michaell at 8:33 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Nov 20 2007] [edited by: michaell at 8:33 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Nov 20 2007]
  • At the Congo Startup screen, check in “advanced settings” - when you get in the Windows screen, open the Properties of the Network Connection, and then under the choice “NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Pro” you need to make sure that the ADAPTER is not set to FRAME TYPE = AUTODETECT, rather FRAME TYPE = ETHERNET 802.3"


    Can you check that and see if that solves the problem?


     Hi corey,

     We have checked, and our system was already set to Frame type =Ethernet 802.3.

  • You don't mention the make of the Ethernet-to-DMX converter you are using. If it is an ETC Net3 Gateway or ETCNet2 DMX Node, this shouldn't be a problem. If it's another make/model of converter, I'd need some more details. However, if leaving the switch and converter solves the problem for you, then there shouldn't be any reason to shut them down.

    Thanks -



  • Good morning Sarah,

    The convertor type was hidden by a sticky label on the front!

    It is an ETC Net3 ACN Gateway DMX/RDM. Whilst I appreciate your suggested 'work around' of leaving the ETC hub and Ethernet/DMX convertor permanently switched on, we would be interested in an engineering explanation as to why this is necessary.

    Our console operators have only recently started to use the Congo desk and would be 'nervous' to hear that the solution is based on experimentation rather than a technical explanation. We work in a very large multi-studio complex and produce many hours of peak time programming - so we have to be confident that the complete ETC signal chain is robust.

  • Good morning Sarah,

    The convertor type was hidden by a sticky label on the front!

    It is an ETC Net3 ACN Gateway DMX/RDM. Whilst I appreciate your suggested 'work around' of leaving the ETC hub and Ethernet/DMX convertor permanently switched on, we would be interested in an engineering explanation as to why this is necessary.

    Our console operators have only recently started to use the Congo desk and would be 'nervous' to hear that the solution is based on experimentation rather than a technical explanation. We work in a very large multi-studio complex and produce many hours of peak time programming - so we have to be confident that the complete ETC signal chain is robust.

  • The problem probably has to do with the way the Embedded XP operating system deals with Ethernet communication. If the console doesn't see the switch online before the Congo application boots up, then the Ethernet communication may not be properly started. This is inherent in the embedded OS and is not a function of Congo per se. The behavior improves when you allow the switch to completely start up before starting up Congo because the Ethernet comunications are initialized properly. My guess is that you see the problem when the console is started before powering up the rest of the network. The best startup procedure is to start up the network devices first, then start the Congo. This will ensure a proper startup each time. Alternatively, you can leave the switch and gateway(s) on and just power down the console.

    As for a suggested solution being based on experimentation - this is an online forum and as such I can only base my suggestions on the info you provide. For more specific troubleshooting of system problems, I highly recommend communicating with our Technical Services department by phone as they can look at your system drawings and can provide much more specific information about your system.

    I hope this helps!

    Thanks -


  • Hi Sarah,

    Many thanks for your speedy reply - your comments make a great deal of sense to us and echo what we thought was most likely to be happening.

    We will soon be attending some local ETC training and I'm sure we will take the opportunity to ask the pertinent questions of the training staff then. Currently we have only limited knowledge of the ETC hardware systems that are installed here - and even more limited knowledge of the system-wide software design parameters! In the meantime we will take your advice and leave both the hub and ethernet/dmx convertor powered up continuously.

    Thank you once again for your reply, I am most impressed by the quality of the ETC Congo forum - and the fact that ETC staff actively participate in it instead of just looking on!
