Save USB V6.2


Why on Congo V6.2 we can't send the play to USB like V6.1 ??? I'm asking this cause it's annoying to every time we save (it's better to send) to USB the path on the Congo change to USB\Plays\.... instead of  maitain on the correct path that it's C:\Congo\Plays\.....

Everytime I save the play first I do only the save and after I'm used to send to USB and everything it's normal. But yesterday I power off the console and remove the USB pen and today when I power on the console it appear an error saying that the last show isn´t there. After a while I see that the path is for the USB and not for the hard disk. I took a while to understand and see this cause it's morning but I prefer the why like it was on V6.1.

Is it normal now with V6.2?? can you please change this again???


Pedro Alves
