Order of control parameters in moving templates

I've written a template for my Robe robin MMX:es, and in my first version everything made sense. Then I Changed some parameters that weren't appearing in the moving lights window and wrote names for all my ranges and soforth, suddenly the order of the controls is completely random. (for instance: Gobo rotation is two screens away from the gobo wheel)

Does anyone know if theres anyway to change the order in the moving lights display?

  • Hi there-

    Which parameter names did you use in your template? (or can you attach a copy of your show file to a post?)

    The order of parameters is set in the Parameter Definitions list. I would not recommend moving parameters around in this list. Rather, I would suggest setting up your own parameter pages on the U1-U3 buttons. You don't mention which console you're using, but on big Congo, these are the 1-2-3 buttons below the FOCUS-COLOR-BEAM buttons. On Congo jr and Congo Kid, you can access these using C/ALT and the FOCUS-COLOR-BEAM buttons, or you can open the  Effects softkeys (the U1-U3 buttons appear on softkeys 8-10).

    To set up these keys, use MODIFY & U1 (or U2 or U3). A table opens where you can assign parameters in any order to three pages of encoders on that button. To page the encoders, simply press U1 (or U2 or U3) repeatedly until the desired page of parameters appears on the encoders.

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


  • here's the file, It was created on full size congo (6 I think) and has been edited on congo 6.2 and the offline editor (6.2)

    I haven't swapped the order of the parameter definitions, but I've added a few.

    bara mmx.asc
  • Thanks for the show file, I've analysed it and these changes to parameter order happened as a side effect of the bug in v6.2.0 that Kirk posted about here.

    This bug is fixed in 6.2.1, which is expected to release on Monday.

    I've attached a show file where I have reversed these changes.
    - You will need v6.2.1 or v6.1.1 to load this show file correctly, as the bug in 6.2.0 will put the changes back.

    bara mmx fixed 621.asc
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