LED programming and playback

This past weekend, I was programming and doing a show with some generic RGB LED's on a Congo.  In one preset I had the blue at 100, red and green at 0.  In another, I had red at 100, blue and green at 0.  Presets were then assigned to master playbacks.  I brought up the "blue" preset, then the "red" in an attempt to mix, but they were cancelling each other out.  I tried to Mask the other colors to eliminate this, but mask had no effect...  What was I doing wrong?  Thanks!

  • Hi there -

    The problem is that you included information for the other colors in those presets. You need to mask out all other colors and include only Red in your Red preset, otherwise you will see the replacement behavior you saw. Does that make sense? You can fix the presets you have by going into the preset attribute editor and deleting the 0 level on Green and Blue (and so on for the other colors).

    You can also just place the Red, Green and Blue parameter controls onto the faders directly, which would mean you had the encoder controls on faders. Select the lights then move the faders to mix the colors manually. To do this, select a light with these parameters in it, then display the RGB encoders on the ML area, then press and hold the wheel key for the parameter and press the master key where you want to assign the parameter.

    I hope this helps -


  • Sarah,

    Copy that!  I believe in the time crunch to get the show going, I didn't turn Mask on before I tried masking the individual colors...



