Congo jr Effect Masters - Masters

Hi there,

1) I want to control the size and the rate of a dynamic effect from my master. For example I have a Pan Dynamic template and a Tilt one for my spots and I want to assign 4 masters 2(size - rate) for pan and 2(size - rate) for Tilt so that I can make several movements with these 4 faders. Does anyone knows if something like this is possible and how to make it happen?

2) Is there any way of masking the intensity so that I can create a master with just the attributes?





  • Intensity of a Dynamic Effect Playback scales the Size of the effect.

    Recording just Size or Rate to a Preset or Palette won't do what you're asking because these attributes don't fade, they 'snap' to new values.

    You can however assign the Size and Rate attributes directly to a Master and then it will apply to the currently-selected Effect Playback(s)
    - Note that Rate goes from 0 to 1000, so you will find it extremely sensitive!

    Intensities are merged HTP, thus "masking" them is meaningless. Just record at 0% or the Mark level.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:16 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, May 21 2012]
  • Intensity of a Dynamic Effect Playback scales the Size of the effect.

    Recording just Size or Rate to a Preset or Palette won't do what you're asking because these attributes don't fade, they 'snap' to new values.

    You can however assign the Size and Rate attributes directly to a Master and then it will apply to the currently-selected Effect Playback(s)
    - Note that Rate goes from 0 to 1000, so you will find it extremely sensitive!

    Intensities are merged HTP, thus "masking" them is meaningless. Just record at 0% or the Mark level.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:16 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, May 21 2012]
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