Tap function

Hi all!

 Wonder if anyone can help me...

 Lets say I have created a chase, in the sequence section of the desk, then dropped it into a playback.  I now want to tap the chase in time to the beat, which I can do fine, usung the button above the playback. However, the chase steps 'snap' into each other, rather than crossfading. How can I tap along in time with the music, but have the chase steps fade between each other, rather than snap?


Cheers guys!



  • Hi Steve -

    This is how BPM operates in Congo - it creates a snap chase. What you could do is play with rate % rather than BPM to get the desired playback speed and keep your fades. Also, you might try creating a "Time Master" for that chase so you can adjust it on the fly - this can be done in the Master Page editor - just set an empty master to the content type "Time Master" and then enter the sequence # of the chase into the Content column for that master.

    I hope this helps!


  • Hi Steve -

    This is how BPM operates in Congo - it creates a snap chase. What you could do is play with rate % rather than BPM to get the desired playback speed and keep your fades. Also, you might try creating a "Time Master" for that chase so you can adjust it on the fly - this can be done in the Master Page editor - just set an empty master to the content type "Time Master" and then enter the sequence # of the chase into the Content column for that master.

    I hope this helps!


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