Tap function

Hi all!

 Wonder if anyone can help me...

 Lets say I have created a chase, in the sequence section of the desk, then dropped it into a playback.  I now want to tap the chase in time to the beat, which I can do fine, usung the button above the playback. However, the chase steps 'snap' into each other, rather than crossfading. How can I tap along in time with the music, but have the chase steps fade between each other, rather than snap?


Cheers guys!



  • tap function is only for cut time like square curve. if you want to control speed for a chaser with fade, you must use a speed fader and play/pause button for start chaser on a special time.

    when you use Tap key, fades are always disable.

  • Thanks for the suggestions guys. Looks like I will not be able to do what I want then, which is quite an annoyance.

    I need to busk quite a lot of shows, and liked the feature I used to have on my pearl, whereby I could make one chase, and use it for everything, because it was very easy to adjust the speed, and rate on the fly. Why can't the chase fade times be scaled as a function of the BPM?


    So, is it impossible for me to 'bump' a chase in time to the music unless it is 'snapping' then? Any chance of getting this in a future software revision?


    Thanks for the help guys, I will have a play with the speed fader idea, and see what happens.




  • Hi Steve -

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience this causes you now, but I think you will be quite happy with the upcoming v4.4 release, expected in the first half of next year. Perhaps you would be interested in becoming a beta tester for this version? We expect to enter the beta phase sometime around mid-February. If you're interested, please send me your contact info at sclausen "at" etcconnect "dot" com.

    Thanks much!


  • Hey Sarah .. get me in on that beta ... THANKS !!!
  • Hi Sarah


    If it's possible I'd like to test also the v4.4 beta. We have in our theatre 1 Congo and 2 JR so I can try in both consoles.




    Pedro Alves


  • Hi guys (and hi Dave! it's been a while!)

    If you are interested in participating in the upcoming beta, please send me your contact information (console type, venue, proper name, email and phone numbers) directly via email to sarah.clausen AT etcconnect.com, please. It will be much easier for me to get you on the list once I have this information.

    Thanks much!


  • Hi guys (and hi Dave! it's been a while!)

    If you are interested in participating in the upcoming beta, please send me your contact information (console type, venue, proper name, email and phone numbers) directly via email to sarah.clausen AT etcconnect.com, please. It will be much easier for me to get you on the list once I have this information.

    Thanks much!


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