exclusive master and solo master problem


If I set a Master as Exclusive and a different one as Solo, I would expect the Exclusive Master not to be affected by the Solo Master being brought up.
What I see right now is, that the Solo Master takes over even Ch's, that are on the Exclusive Master.
This is not what I expected to happen.....


  • Solo mode will force all other masters to 0, including exclusive masters.

    It isn't the master level that is exclusive but how the contribution from the master field is handled when mixed with other contributions. However, I understand your concern. Maybe, it would make more sense if masters in exclusive mode were excluded from the solo function.


  • Anders Ekvall said:

    However, I understand your concern. Maybe, it would make more sense if masters in exclusive mode were excluded from the solo function.

    Hi Anders,

    I expected a Exclusive Master to act exactly like an Independent, that is set to Exclusive. Otherwise you use the same term for two different behaviours. So having a exclusive Masters excluded from solo would remove this inconsistency.


  • Anders Ekvall said:

    However, I understand your concern. Maybe, it would make more sense if masters in exclusive mode were excluded from the solo function.

    Hi Anders,

    I expected a Exclusive Master to act exactly like an Independent, that is set to Exclusive. Otherwise you use the same term for two different behaviours. So having a exclusive Masters excluded from solo would remove this inconsistency.

