Presets Dynamics

Dear All,

Here is the situation...

I am using 1 Dyn. effect playback ( Smooth) for my spots or my washes. I record preset 1 by using this effect playback assigned to my spots and the L.D. says to me that she wants the same exactly effect for the washes too. So I select my washes assign them to this Dyn. Effect playback  then update the preset and the washes now playback the effect but spots stoped. Is there anyway of copying dyn effect playbacks to another Dyn. effect playback or I have to create a new group with all the washes and spots so that I can assign it to my effect playback?

[edited by: menelaos at 2:25 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 11 2012]
  • Hi there -

    You have two (or three) choices -

    1) You can use ALIGN to copy settings from one Effect Playback to another, just like you can copy parameter settings from one device to another. Select both effect playbacks, use NEXT to highlight the source playback, then use ALIGN & U1 (and/or U2, U3) to align those parameters from the highlighted playback to the other(s) - you can of course align as many as you have selected. Then select the new playback and assign your wash group to it. This way you can control the aspects of the spot and wash effects seperately.

    2) You can make a group that contains both the spots and the washes and use a single effect playback.

    3) If the distribution of your spots and washes group doesn't seem to work quite right, you can build a channel set where you can manually set which channels work with which in a very fixed distribution.

    I hope this helps!

    Thanks -


  • Dear Sarah,


    I manually build a channel set  but what i found really irritating was that my selection was 1+3+5+7+2+4+6+8 and on the screen of the channel distribution wizard it was displayed 12345678. Another thing was that I was trying to edit the same channel set and I had to recreate the selection from the beginning also if i had the effect selected the channel distribution wizard displayed the effect playback as a channel. I found it really complex and slow way of doing such an easy thing.

    The easiest way was to select the lights with the desired order and then create a group. 




  • 1,3,5,7 followed by 2,4,6,8 is the standard "Interlaced" distribution with two Parts, so the Channel Set Wizard will do that for you with a simple 1 thru 8 selection.

    When editing them, the Channel Set editor is a list of selections, so you add or subtract individual channels from each 'step' using the normal channel selection tools.

    - Eg # [+] (or [+] # [.]) to add a single channel to the current step.

    For each 'step' the channel order doesn't matter because everything in that step is working together.

    The second bit is that Effect Playbacks can be put into Channel Sets (and Groups), as one of the very useful things you can do is to control one Effect using another.

    For example, you might have a Dynamic Effect running a Circle on some lights, then run an Intensity effect (eg Chase or Dynamic) on the Intensity of the first.

    This gives you a Circle effect that shrinks and grows - and you can control the 'circling' and 'grow/shrink' independently to get exactly what you want.

  • Thanks Richard,


    That makes things much easier!!!


    Best wishes,


  • There are two types of dynamic cloth presets: Garment Dynamics Preset and Fabric Dynamics Preset. Can you give me some details about it?

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