Converting show from a Maxim (LSC desk) to Congo

Hi All,

I have a Maxim file (*****.max) that I'd like to convert for use on a Congo.
Has anyone done it, or know if it's possible?

Thanks in advance,


(I've attached a show file but had to add .asc to get it to upload. It's NOT an .asc file)

[edited by: Ric at 12:40 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jun 14 2012] added note on attached file
  • Hi Ric,

    Congo reads data in ASCII Light Cues format (which is a world standard for play data exchange). You need to get your show file converted to this format. Is there an option to save the file in the Maxim in this format?

    However, even if you get your show file into ASCII format, you will probably only be able to read the most basic set of data from it, like cues with channels and levels, crossfade times and dimmer patch. The more console specific data is stored as manufacturer specific data and can only be read if the receiving console has specific support for this console.

  • Hi Anders,

    I've not been able to find out if a Maxmin can export/save as ascii and unfortunately I don't have access to a Maxim desk in order try. I only have the file sent to me.

    Looks like a replot is on the cards for this show.!


  • Yes, unfortunately this sounds like the case.

    Saving show files in the ASCII Light Cues format is the only way to make sure that at least the common data types can be exchanged between console of different brands. Most consoles use their own propriatory (often binary, not text based) formats which are very difficult to read.

    (Congo is using ASCII Light Cues as its native format to make it simpler to reuse data with other brands, but this doesn't help in this case when you need to read a foreign, non-ASCII show file.)


  • Just a quick follow up to this.
    I was unable to convert the file, and ended up replotting the show from notes.
    As there were only 35 cues it wasn't too bad timewise.


  • Hi

    for your solution, you can use a Node an DMX in port to grab your show from Maxim in the congo.

    just before adjust your patch 1:1 to recover the same channel numbers !!!



  • Hi Pilou,
    Unfortunately that wasnt possible as I didn't have access to a Maxim, but just had the show file.
    If I'd had a Maxim then there would have been no need to do a show file conversion.

