Problems with a Presto


sorry for being off-topic here, but since I know that Anders and some other experienced users are reading this thread periodically, I am sure that maybe I could get some helpful hints here.

The company I work for has bought a brand-new Presto, but it behaves very strangely (Software 2.4 R7).

1. Although Storing Submasters in Presets is disabled, Presets always are stored as seen live on stage (including submasters)

2. Fade Times on Submasters don't take effect. When using the fader, submaster fade in AND OUT with the "fade in" time set. If I have another time set for fading out, the "fade in" times are used for fading out. (This error occurs when using the fader, if I use START+Master Key everything works fine)

3. Blank disk are not formatted. (No error here, but the desk hangs up and is stuck on formatting for hours...)

4. WORST PROBLEM: If I like to restore a saved show from disk, only the first ten cues (= presets) are loaded. The software quits loading with a "line too long" error. Resetting the desk completely and loading a show from disk won't help.

Since we're on a tour, we are not quite satisfied and even quite disappointed. Any help? Thanks in advance,

  • hello

    with presto if you make preset on live, you can't disable submasters on store.

    but if you need to make a partiel cue, select channel you want record then use preset number 900 to 999.9.

    if you want to use only IN time or OUT time use time key and master key to assign time on master and you must change the time because it is the time for change, not for in or out.

    if you make a master-link use in, wat and out or use only in time and choose Target 100% for open a master from the sequence and use Target : 0% for out time and allways set your time on time and change it in you show 

  • hello

    with presto if you make preset on live, you can't disable submasters on store.

    but if you need to make a partiel cue, select channel you want record then use preset number 900 to 999.9.

    if you want to use only IN time or OUT time use time key and master key to assign time on master and you must change the time because it is the time for change, not for in or out.

    if you make a master-link use in, wat and out or use only in time and choose Target 100% for open a master from the sequence and use Target : 0% for out time and allways set your time on time and change it in you show 

  • Hi again,

    Well, I can live with the problem that In and Out Times on Masters are not used for the fader action.

    But still, I don't understand why you can set "Include Masters in Play" to Off, if I won't take any effect then...



  • Hi,

    There seems to have been a misunderstanding. The "Include Masters in Play" setting has nothing to do with recording presets. It determines if the content of the masters should or shoud not be stored into the showfile stored to disk.

    From the Presto manual:
    "Setting the "Include Masters in Play" parameter:

    This parameter will choose if Master status should be included in the Play stored to a diskette. If set to Yes, the master fields will be loaded with their stored content when you load a play."

    I would guess that it is not possible to exclude intensities coming from masters when recording a preset on Presto. I think that is just how the Preset was designed to work. Sorry. Since even Pronto did not have this function untill version 3.0, I'm afraid Presto doesn't have it either.

    Former Pronto and current Congo beta-tester.

    [edited by: okrogell at 12:43 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Dec 12 2007]
  • Oskar,

    thanks a lot. The german version of the manual doesn't mention this parameter setting at all. 

