Shutters order and Augment3d

Hi Everybody

A question about how to manage the shutters' order with Augment3d :

I used to change the order to have the A one upstage, C one downstage, B one Stage Left and D one Stage Right. This system is really useful to play with shutters.

The thing is in Augment3d, when you change the shutters' order in Patch, it doesn't affect the 3D view that means when I have inverted fixtures (FOH and Stage), I'm not able to have the previous system anymore.

How do you think I can fix this ?

Do I need to always put the fixtures in the same direction in reality ? ("A beautiful Quest" when you go from one Theater to another...)

Should I forget about the previous system and simply match with Augment3d ?

Do you think It's possible to have the same function "Shutter Order" for Augment3d ?

Or maybe some of you manage this a way I didn't think about ?

Thank you