Went for a walk, came back, everything was gone

Like the title says, everything has been fine for months with no issues. I casually go for a walk after several hours of working with it. I come back. I pull up some channels and have black screen in A3D. OK, maybe I have all the irises shut. Iris 100. Nope. OK well live table says they're all at full. Maybe shutter for strobe is shut. Well wait, these don't have that. OK, so I turn the ambient light all the way up in augment 3D and it's a completely blank screen with just an artificial horizon. What? OK, so I pan around and around, still only seeing the horizon. Huh, that's weird. I try selecting and there's nothing to select. I look in the A3D editor and all the fixtures are still there, but they aren't showing up. I turn the ambient light all the way down to black, go chan 1 thru 1000 Full Enter, everything goes up, I pan around and around in Augment3D, absolutely nothing. OK, so I check the Augment 3D patch. Everything is still there, all the position, orientation, world position, and world orientation patch info looks normal and centered. OK, that's weird. So I reload the show file, then restart my computer, restart Nomad, and none of that brings it back. OK, that's even more weird. Then I go to a completely different show file and the same thing. All the Augment 3D patch is there, but Augment 3D just shows horizon. 

My best guess is that Windows updated a graphics driver while I was on my walk and if I had this running from a command line, it would be printing a bunch of errors.

Is this a known issue?

Should I upload system info/show file?
