OSC message formatting

Hello all,

i am trying to have the following OSC command sent to the desk by an arduino connected by USB


where randomVal0 is a int_32t variable and fade0 is a float determined by different parts of the sketch.

Current Code---

currentMillis0 = millis();
if (currentMillis0 - prevMillis0 > varRandom0) {
dwell_0(); //function to get fade0
randomValue_0(); //function to get randomVal0
analogWrite(led[0], randomRaw0); //Output to led
OSCMessage group_801("/eos/chan/1/@");//user/0/ needs to be inserted in final code
group_801.add(randomVal0); //int_32t determined by randomValue_0()
group_801.add("/sneak/time/"); //give timing information to channel intensity move
group_801.add(fade0); //float value determined by dwell_0()
lastTimeSent = curTime;
prevMillis0 = currentMillis0;

When the sketch is running on an arduino hooked to the console the diagnostics tab shows-
/eos/chan/1/@, 62(i), /sneak/time/(s), 0.640(f)

So i think the message is getting to the desk but is just not formatted in a way the desk understands for the timing information.

The desk will output ch 1 to the level set by randomVal0 however the timing information is lost.

I'm not quite sure how to reformat the OSCmessage so the console will understand it correctly.


Any help would be greatly appriciated.
