How to create a strobe effect?

I have a bunch of LED fixtures (Altman Pheonix 3.5 Profile) that do not have a shutter strobe. I thought I could create an effect in eos to replicate a strobe but I'm struggling.

What I tried was a linear effect, and then I drew a square sine wave with a short on time and a long off time. Made the cycle small, like 0.2 and scale at 100. I've tried loads of cycle time and scale combinations but still can't get it to look like a strobe.

The lights do flash on and off, but it doesn't look anything like a strobe. More like a flicker; hard to describe. Does anyone have this effect already and could share the waveform? Ideally I'd like a linear effect so I can apply it to any of our fixtures that don't have a shutter strobe, but if it needs to be a step/absolute effect so be it.

And I'm still very new to EOS and effects in general.


p.s. I'm using an ion xe.
