Cannot address single cells with OSC


I'm currently controlling my EOS showfile with Cycling'74 Max on OSC and can so far get what I want... except addressing a single cell!

In EOS I can type e.g. the following: Chan 101.1 @ Full or Chan 101 Cell 1 @ Full (with softkey 4).

In Max I tried different ways without success:

  • /eos/chan/101/param/Cell/1/full
  • /eos/chan/101, then /eos/softkey/4/1/full

So my question: does it have a way to address a single cell with OSC?

Thanks in advance for your answers,

  • To control individual cells in an EOS showfile using OSC commands through Cycling '74 Max, you need to address the specific cell correctly in your OSC message. The general format for addressing channels and cells in EOS with OSC is /eos/chan/[channel number]/[cell number]/param/[parameter]/[value]. For instance, to set Channel 101 Cell 1 to full, the correct OSC command would be /eos/chan/101/1/param/intensity/full. In this format, you specify the channel number, followed immediately by the cell number, then the parameter you want to control (such as intensity), and finally, the value you want to set (such as full). In Max, you could use the sprintf object to format your message correctly and then send it using the udpsend object.

  • To control individual cells in an EOS showfile using OSC commands through Cycling '74 Max, you need to address the specific cell correctly in your OSC message. The general format for addressing channels and cells in EOS with OSC is /eos/chan/[channel number]/[cell number]/param/[parameter]/[value]. For instance, to set Channel 101 Cell 1 to full, the correct OSC command would be /eos/chan/101/1/param/intensity/full. In this format, you specify the channel number, followed immediately by the cell number, then the parameter you want to control (such as intensity), and finally, the value you want to set (such as full). In Max, you could use the sprintf object to format your message correctly and then send it using the udpsend object.

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