Feature request - autosave

Following a discussion on another forum, the issue of autosave came up. Many consoles automatically save the current show as it is being edited, keeping incremental copies (as would happen if you hit shift-Update every 5 minutes, say). Would it be a useful feature to allow autosave to be turned on so that after some configurable period the desk has unsaved changes the desk automatically saves it, and if a different show is loaded when the current show has unsaved changes then the current show is autosaved. Obviously it should be configurable how autosave works and how often often. I'd suggest options to switch on/off

1) saving unsaved edits after a configurable period

2) saving unsaved edits before loading a different show

3) Whether to prompt before autosaving on loading a new show.


  • I spent 8 years programming on a Strand Light Palette and we had Checkpoint files that saved in the background. We set ours to save every 5 minutes and keep the most recent 10. The saves never effected programming or command line as the process happened in the background, and were extremely useful for the last few years we had it as it developed a nasty habit of crashing to the blue screen of death at inopportune moments. I hadn't thought about the feature since I switched to EOS until tonight when I got off the phone with a college kid who lost a day of programming because didn't remember to save his work before opening a new show file.

  • As of 2.8.0 there is a prompt to save your current show file when opening a new one (EOS-17605 Provide a prompt to "save showfile" when there is unsaved data in a show and the user attempts to open a "file new" or open a different file).

  • This gets requested quite often. One of the effects of saving the show is to clear the undo buffer. Loading a show doesn't reload the previous undo buffer, though, so you lose that. I'm guessing there's more to it than "just" saving the show and carrying on where you left off (but I'm not an ETC dev so it *is* just a guess). 

  • Hello, i was wondering if the autosave was still "in the wish list " as now the undo list is still present even the save...
