Wireless connection from laptop to ION

I have been successfully running the ION Client on my Windows XP laptop connected via an Ethernet cable, both directly attached with a crossover cable and via a Ethernet switch.  This weekend I tried to connect using wireless (I have a wireless router set up as a switch and a Wireless access point.  Other access works fine using the wireless connection.  The switch is connected to our internal network).  I can connect successfully and operate from the laptop, however I frequently lose connection to the console.  The reconnect function always resynchronizes the client and the console but the connection fails again after a brief time.

Do you have some tips that would help me make a reliable connection via wireless? 

  • I have now installed v1.4.2 on my ION and my client.  The wireless connection works better than before but certainly not show capable yet.  The synchronization failures are fewer and the client now re-syncs automatically, whereas before re-sync had to be done manually. The down side to re-sync is that the display always comes up in the default configuration so if there is another display choice open such as virtual sliders they disappear and have to be re-selected.

    At least now, I can use my laptop on wireless while focusing. I hope that there are more improvements for wireless coming.
