Que only mode and/with Automark enabled issue

Hello, i am in version 3.0.1 with Ti in the first stage and Gio in small stage. Same issue.

I have uploaded a video to explain you, everything is perfect until i go back to que1 and change the position of ch10. After updating the que with new position i see a movement when the ch10 go to dark ( que 2 is a B.O.)

What do you recommend apart from change the mode to tracking or update track?


  • good video!

    the reason this happens:
    you had before the change (numbers are invented)
    Q1: Chan 2 Intens Full, Pan 0, Tilt 30
    Q2: Chan 2 Intens 0, Pan 0, Tilt 30
    Q3: Chan 2 Intens Full, Pan 0, Tilt -40

    then you changed the Tilt of Chan 1 in Q1. you're in cue only. this means the numbers in the next cue are being protected. with cue only you told the console that the values in the next cue are important and you don't want them to change. the only way the console can achieve that is my changing the Tilt value in Q2 from a tracked value (30) to a move instruction (also 30).
    move instructions win over mark instructions. that's why the console thinks you wanted the have a move while fading out from Q1 to Q2.

    so the solution is to not have a move instruction to the old value (30) in Q2 but rather a tracked value with the new number. there are varios ways to achieve that:

    • when updating the change in Q1 you could tell the console to also update Tilt in the next cue. e.g. Chan 1 Tilt Update Track Enter, Update Enter. or Chan 1 Tilt Update Cue + Next Enter
    • you can copy the value from Q1 to Q2 after updating: in live, while sitting in Q1: Chan 2 Tilt CopyTo Cue Next Enter. or a bit more general: Chan 2 All_NP CopyTo Cue Next Enter. if you end up in this situation more than just once, maybe a macro like "All_NP CopyTo Cue Next Enter" would be helpful for you.
    • you can clean up in Blind: Blind, Cue 2 Enter. Chan 2 Tilt At Enter, or quick and dirty: Blind, Cue 2 Enter, Chan 2 At Enter, Out

    does that help?

  • Thank you for your answer!

    move instructions win over mark instructions

    The point is that I do not touch the Q2...so i dont put any move instructions in Q2. Actually Q2 (total B.O.) is a Mark Cue.

    If I wanted a live move Q1 to Q2, simply I would remove the Mark from the current Cue, right?

    Τhe bottom line is if  ''move instructions win over mark instructions''  the Automark Its like not working 100%....

    (for example in cobalt this does not happen)
